Thursday, July 18, 2013

How Important of You? PT2

Once you have carefully picked your bridal team determine their roles. Each bridal member plays an important part in the planning process and on the wedding day itself.


1.      Maid (Matron) of Honor- She is the bride’s right-hand person. She and the bride goes shopping together, make sure the bridesmaids have all their dresses and accessories together, makes sure the bridesmaids are informed about wedding tasks and events, organizes the bridal shower/ bachelorette party, witness and sign the couple’s marriage license, hold bride’s bouquet and groom’s ring during the ceremony and helps the bride with her attire on the wedding day. Also, they give an important toast during the reception.


2.      Best Man- He is the groom’s right-hand man. He is usually the grooms best friend or brother. The Best Man is the groom’s advisor and personal support system. He makes sure the groomsmen have their tuxedos and accessories, he plans and hosts the bachelor party and makes sure the groom/ groomsmen are on schedule and informed about recent tasks and events. The Best Man also gets the groom to the ceremony on time, witness and sign the couple’s marriage license, holds the bride’s ring and gives the first toast at the reception.


3.      Bridesmaids- ‘The Bride’s Entourage’ are trustworthy and responsible female friends. They are also the bride’s support system, helping with pre-wedding tasks, with the bridal shower/ bachelorette party and spreading the love at the reception. They can also help spread the word as to where the couple is registered.


4.      Groomsmen- ‘The Groom’s Posse’ are his closes friends and/or family. The groomsmen are the groom’s support system and helps with the bachelor party. The groomsmen can also be used as ushers and can help decorate the getaway car.


5.      Junior Bridesmaid- A tween/teenage girl (9-16 of age), who has the same duties as the bridesmaids. They can wear the same dress or different dresses. They walk down the aisle before the bridesmaids. These are also the responsibilities of the junior groomsmen. Except they wear tuxedos similar to the groomsmen.


6.      Flower girl- A young girl (4-8 of age), who walks down the aisle with a basket of flower petals to scatter before the bride walks down the aisle.


7.      Ring bearer- A young boy (4-8 of age), who holds a pillow with rings and walks down the aisle before the flower girl. The rings on the pillow do not have to be real.


8.      Ushers- They help escort guests inside the ceremony (reception if needed). They can also escort the grandparents to their seat during the ceremony.


The Parents of the Bride:

Have you ever wondered what the roles of the parents are? Many parents (especially mothers) get so overwhelmed with the details and planning of the wedding, that they forget they have a role to play and how to enjoy the wedding process.


Traditionally, the bride’s parents are to pay for the majority of the wedding. Nowadays, couples agree to split half of the expenses with the groom’s parents to relieve some of the financial stress.

The role/responsibilities of parents of the bride are as follows:

1.      Their daughter’s support system

2.      The mother is her daughter second pair of eyes in the wedding decisions. Ex: picking vendors or the wedding venue

3.      Choosing the mother-of-the-bride dress and sending a swatch/picture to the groom’s mother. The father picks his tuxedo when the groom/groomsmen select theirs.

4.      Meet with the couple to set a budget and decide what they are willing to pay for.

5.      Decide their half of the guests lists. Spread the word about where the couple is registered

6.      Act as host/hostess at the ceremony/reception. Stand in the receiving line and greet guests during the reception

7.      Attend all parties and showers during the wedding process

8.      Father of the bride escorts the bride down the aisle

9.      Perform a father and daughter dance

10.  Both parents do a welcome toast at the reception

11.  Hold the wedding gifts and cards for the couple until they return from their honeymoon


The Parents of the Groom:

Traditionally, the parents of the groom are just as involved as the bride’s parents. They are also financially involved too. They pay for rehearsal dinner, attire and transportation. They want to help the bride’s parents with the cost of the wedding. Their role/responsibilities include:

1.      Helping to plan the rehearsal dinner

2.      Write out their guests list for the groom’s family. Help spread the word about where the couple is  registered

3.      Attend any parties given during the wedding process

4.      Both parents give a toast at the rehearsal dinner (at reception, optional)

5.      Help give suggestions or recommendations on vendors

6.      Shows their support and personal aid



As a wedding planner, I hear brides say “my bridesmaids are driving me crazy.” Either they won’t help out with pre-wedding tasks or they’re never on time for meetings or rehearsal. So I’m going to give you food for thought.


Ask yourself this one question, “Do they support and respect our friendship and my relationship with my groom-to-be?” If they do, then they will take their role seriously and do everything in their power to make this process special and memorable.


You and the groom are the only ones who are important during the wedding process and especially on the day of the wedding!

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